Location of Olive Groves and/or Processors Victoria and New South Wales showed the highest number of groves located in these areas followed by Western Australia. Representatives of Entities in the Industry 71% of respondents are operating one grove or production facility in Australia. There was one respondent who operates more than 15 entities in the…
Australian Olive Industry Survey: Industry Issues ~ Part 9
Top 10 Issues facing olive groves in Australia The biggest issue facing the Olive Industry: Water & Irrigation (41.8%) Pest & Disease control (35.2%) Marketing (31.5%) Biennial bearing (29.7%) Harvesting Issues (25.5%) Unproductive Varietals (22.4%) Cost of Labour (22.4%) Climate Change/Seasonal Conditions (17.6%) Inconsistent cropping (17%) Competition from imports (17%) Other responses (15.2%) Drought Lack…