Introduction The renaissance of the Australian olive industry is entering its second decade. During the last 10 years, the Australian industry has grown solidly from a cottage industry to a technically sophisticated industry that is increasingly export focus. Over this time, the quality of Australian olive oil has consistently improved, and production efficiencies increased, to…
Australian Olive Industry Survey: Final Comments ~ Part 20
Respondents Final Comments of the Australian Olive Industry Survey 2016
Australian Olive Industry Survey: Olive Oil Quality ~ Part 10
Chemical Testing for EVOO Over 80% of respondents always pass the chemical testing criteria and 13.5% pass most of the time. Chemical Testing for EVOO – problems meeting quality criteria Respondent gave reasons why they felt they had not passed the chemical testing criteria: We test our own oil as we have purchased the test…
Official Trade Standard
Olive Oil Trade Standard The International Standard for olive oil COI/T.15/NC No 3/ Rev.14/2019 has the precision values and analytical methods adopted by the International Olive Council. It is the only legislated standard in the world for olive oil trade in Australia and Internationally. Here is an excerpt of the Trade Standard on Olive Oils…