Employment in Australian Olive Groves
A total of 532 employees from respondents.
Types of Employment per Entity
Over 62% of staff employed at Australian olive groves are sourced locally.
32% who source elsewhere responded; family & friends or employ themselves only.
Backpacker Tax
85% of respondents were not affected by the backpacker tax.
Affect by Backpacker Tax
The 14.2% of respondents who are affected by the backpacker tax did respond with the following:
- Considering changing to mechanical (automated) machinery to lower staffing.
- Negative. Australians are not prepared to do the casual work for short periods that transient travellers are prepared to do. It must be economical for the grower.
- Yes as it will limit the labour pool available
- Backpacker tax doesn’t affect us, BUT the ability of us signing off on 457 extended visa forms has. We are unable to do this now, and WWOOFers look for paid work, and avoid WWOOF hosts such as us.
- Negative- we rely on backpackers who work part time in lieu of board and lodging with additional pay over 25 hrs per week- visa extension.
- As we use backpackers from time to time to help keep up with maintenance we need this cost to be kept as low as possible or we will not use them and just look to do ourselves
- Extremely negative effect. There seem to be none around now and we need help but not enough work (or income) to employ locals on a regular basis.
- The cost of labour in such a labour intensive industry is prime in budgeting. The industry does not pay well for products therefore labour doesn’t get a Guernsey.
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